Making a report on working environment observation

Work Environment Measurement Reports

QCVN is a qualified unit to monitor the working environment according to Official Letter No. 345 / SYT-NYV dated 18/01/2019 of the HCM City Department of Health.

The process of implementing labor environment testing includes:

Step 1: The field observation team of QCVN conducts monitoring of gas, toxic gas, physical factors, physiological and physiological factors, working positions … in areas where workers work.

Step 2: The expert team handles the records, synthesizes the information of the enterprise, the operation process and the monitoring results into a monitoring report, provides solutions for unsatisfactory targets / elements at the places where there are employees working with the aim of limiting the agents affecting the health, physiological and occupational diseases of workers …

1. Legal documents:

  • Decree 39/2016 / ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the law on occupational safety and hygiene.
  • Guidance on writing labor hygiene records according to Appendix I.
  • Decree 44/2016 / ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Law on occupational safety and hygiene for technical inspection of occupational safety, safety training, occupational health and monitoring labor environment
  • Guidance on making report on the results of working environment monitoring according to form 04 Appendix III

2. Method of measurement and analysis

  • Measure the microclimate indicators: temperature, humidity, wind speed, according to the regulations of QCVN 26: 2016 / BYT of the Ministry of Health.
  • Measuring lighting according to regulations of QCVN 22: 2016 / BYT of the Ministry of Health.
  • Noise measurement according to QCVN 24: 2016 / BYT of the Ministry of Health.
  • Measure and analyze toxic gas and dust samples according to the “Technical and Occupational Health and Environment Regulations 2015 – Volume 1”.

3. Standards:

  • QCVN 22: 2016 / BYT National technical regulation on Lighting – The level of lighting for workplaces.
  • QCVN 24: 2016 / BYT National technical regulation on Noise – Noise permissible exposure level at the workplace.
  • QCVN 26: 2016 / BYT National technical regulation on microclimate – Value for microclimate at work place.
  • Criteria for toxic gases, dust: Occupational hygiene standards in Decision No. 3733/2002 / QD – BYT.
  • QCVN 27: 2016 / BYT National technical regulation on vibration-value allowed in the workplace
  • QCVN 25: 2016 / BYT Exposure levels allow industrial frequency electromagnetic fields at industrial places
  • TCVN 5508: 2009: Standard of working air area – requirements on microclimate conditions and measurement methods

4. Basic indicators in labor environment testing:

Physical elements:

− Microclimate:

  • It is mandatory to measure 3 factors of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and thermal radiation only measures when the heat source is large and sunny.
  • If VKH conditions are consistent, then 5 samples should be measured (4 corners and between that space). If heterogeneous, measure each labor position. Each of the narrow narrow working spaces (rooms, compartments, cabins …) must measure VKH.
  • Standard for working air area – requirements on microclimate conditions and measurement methods: TCVN 5508: 2009.

Table 1: Specifying the number of measurement points according to the production area

Production base area (m2) Number of measuring points
Under 100 4
100 – 400 8
Over 400 Determining according to the distance between working positions not exceeding 10m
  • Light, noise
  • Full dust: available in natural air
  • Metal dust, silicon dust: available in welding, cutting, milling, turning …
  • Cotton dust: available in the production of pillows, cotton, textiles …
  • Asbestos dust: found in the production of asbestos roofing materials, aluminum extrusions, asbestos paperboard …
  • Electromagnetic fields: available in electricity, post, telecommunications, radar stations, where high-voltage currents, transmitters, booster stations ..
  • Ultraviolet radiation: available in X-ray, CT scans.
  • Radiation: available in nuclear power plants, radiography ..
  • Vibration: arising from equipment of drilling, cutting, mixing …

Chemical elements:

  • Toxic gas:
  • NOx, SO2, CO: basic toxic gases in incinerators, manufacturing industries …
  • CO2: Basic toxic gas in office environment ..
  • H2S: grinding machine, cutting machine
  • Chemical vapors: available in chemicals and raw materials for production.
  • Metal vapor elements: when firing, burning metal during production.
  • For example, indicators of labor environment measurement in a number of occupations:
  • In production, assembly, repair and maintenance of automobiles:
  • Painting area: microclimate, heat, light, noise, vibration, dust, total CO2, CO, Acetone, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene, Cyclohexanol, Hydrocarbon
  • Grinding, welding and assembly areas: microclimate, heat, light, noise, vibration, total dust, CO2, CO
  • Car washing area: microclimate, light, noise, vibration, total dust, CO2, CO, mineral oil vapor
  • Repair area: microclimate, heat, light, noise, vibration, total dust, CO2, CO, Acetone, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene, Cyclohexanol, Hydrocarbon
  • Assembly area: microclimate, radiant heat, light, noise, vibration, total dust, CO2, hydrocarbons, electromagnetic fields
  • In rubber production: microclimate, heat, light, noise, vibration, electromagnetic field, metal dust, NOx, SO2, CO MEK, CO2, H2S, Formaldehyde, Tricloethylene, Toluene
  • In shoe manufacturing: microclimate, heat, light, noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, metal dust, NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, H2S, Benzen
  • In office: Microclimate, light, noise, total dust, CO2

Our Acctivities

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  • QCVN has been approved by HCM City Department of Health to be qualified for monitoring the working environment according to Official Letter No. 345 / SYT-NYV dated 18/01/2019.
  • QCVN is a unit certified by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to meet environmental monitoring conditions including 02 areas of environmental analysis and environmental monitoring according to Vimcerts 197 and Decision 1316 / QD-BTNMT on May 29, 2016. .
  • QCVN has sufficient equipment to sample gas, emissions, water, wastewater, mud and soil. In addition to rapid measurement of field parameters, QCVN also conducted sampling on analytical laboratory in accordance with TCVN and QCVN standards.
  • With 5 years in the field of environmental legal consultancy and more than 3000 environmental impact assessment dossiers approved from ministerial to provincial levels and industrial park management boards throughout the country have proved QCVN capacity in the field of environment, prepare labor environment monitoring report


Address: 67/2/8 Rout 5, Ward 17, Govap District, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

Phone: 0287 308 6678 – Hotline: 0919 98 48 39
