Analysis of medical wastewater
1. What is medical sewage?
Medical wastewater is a solution discharged from a medical examination and treatment facility. Medical wastewater must be treated and disinfected before being discharged into the environment.
Sources receiving wastewater are surface water, coastal waters, drainage systems, where medical wastewater is discharged.
2. Parameters of medical wastewater:
TT | Thông số | Đơn vị |
Giá trị C |
A | B | |||
1 | pH | – | 6,5 – 8,5 | 6,5 – 8,5 |
2 | BOD5 (200C) | mg/l | 30 | 50 |
3 | COD | mg/l | 50 | 100 |
4 | Tổng chất rắn lơ lửng (TSS) | mg/l | 50 | 100 |
5 | Sunfua (tính theo H2S) | mg/l | 1,0 | 4,0 |
6 | Amoni (tính theo N) | mg/l | 5 | 10 |
7 | Nitrat (tính theo N) | mg/l | 30 | 50 |
8 | Phosphat (tính theo P) | mg/l | 6 | 10 |
9 | Dầu mỡ động thực vật | mg/l | 10 | 20 |
10 | Tổng hoạt độ phóng xạ α | Bq/l | 0,1 | 0,1 |
11 | Tổng hoạt độ phóng xạ β | Bq/l | 1,0 | 1,0 |
12 | Tổng coliforms | MPN/ 100ml | 3000 | 5000 |
13 | Salmonella | Vi khuẩn/ 100ml | KPH | KPH |
14 | Shigella | Vi khuẩn/ 100ml | KPH | KPH |
15 | Vibrio cholerae | Vi khuẩn/ 100ml | KPH | KPH |
– Column A specifies the C value of parameters and pollutants as the basis for calculating the maximum allowable value in medical wastewater when discharged to water sources used for domestic water supply..
– Column B specifies the C value of parameters and pollutants as the basis for calculating the maximum allowable value in medical wastewater when discharged to water sources not used for domestic water supply.
– Medical wastewater discharged into a common sewer of a residential area is subject to the value of C specified in column B. Where medical wastewater is discharged into the collection system to lead to the centralized wastewater treatment system, it must be sterilization, parameters and other contaminants apply according to the regulations of the unit managing and operating the centralized wastewater treatment system.

QCVN is granted the certificate of eligibility for environmental monitoring (VIMCERTS 197) in accordance with Decree 27/2013 ND-CP
QCVN is eligible to perform medical wastewater sampling and medical wastewater analysis services.
3. The reason for choosing QCVN as a partner in medical wastewater analysis:
- QCVN is a unit with microbiological room meeting the standard 17025, fully analyzing microbiological criteria and types of bacteria in medical wastewater samples such as: Salmonella; Shigella; Vibrio cholerae.
- QCVN is a standardized base unit testing standards of biosafety level I, level II by the Ministry of Health Grant.
- QCVN is a unit eligible for monitoring and analyzing environmental indicators, issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Decision No. 1316 / QD-BTNMT on May 30, 2017 and Vimcerts 197
- QCVN is fully equipped with equipment including: UV-Vis, AAS and standard microbiological culture room to meet the full volume of criteria in Medical wastewater..
All information please contact Hotline: 0919.98.48.39 / Email:
Address: 67/2/8 Rout 5, Ward 17, Govap District, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Phone: 0287 308 6678 – Hotline: 0919 98 48 39